Topics in this blog:

  • Multimedia
  • Basic (Common) media
  • Multimedia computer system
  • Text media
  • Graphics media
  • Animation media
  • Audio media
  • Video media
  • Virtual reality
  • Multimedia Applications
  • Media Center Computer


Media is something that can be utilized for introduction of 
  • Two fundamental approaches to introduce some data are: 
  • Unimedia introduction: Single media is utilized to present data 
  • Multimedia introduction: More than one media is used to introduce data 
  • Multimedia introduction of any data extraordinarily upgrades the understanding capacity of the client as it includes utilization of a greater amount of our faculties 

Basic media 

Basic media for capacity, access, and transmission of 
data are: 
  • Text (alphanumeric characters) 
  • Graphics (line drawings and pictures) 
  • Animation (moving pictures) 
  • Audio (sound) 
  • Video (Videographed genuine occasions) 
  • Multimedia in data innovation alludes to utilization of something else than one of these media for data introduction to clients 

Multimedia computer system

  • Multimedia PC framework is a PC having ability to incorporate at least two kinds of media (text, illustrations, liveliness, sound, and video) 
  • As a rule, size for sight and sound data is a lot bigger than plain content data 
  • Multimedia PC frameworks require: 
  • Faster CPU 
  • Larger capacity gadgets (for putting away enormous information records) 
  • Larger fundamental memory (for enormous information size) 
  • Good designs terminals 
  • I/O gadgets to play any media 

Text media 

Alphanumeric characters are utilized to introduce data in text structure. PCs are broadly utilized for text 
  • Keyboards, OCRs, PC screens, and printers are some generally utilized equipment gadgets for preparing text media 
  • Text altering, text looking, hypertext, and text bringing in/trading are some profoundly attractive highlights of a mixed media PC framework for better introduction what's more, utilization of text data 

Graphics media(Designs media)

PC designs manages age, portrayal, 
control, and show of pictures (line drawings and 
pictures) with a PC  

  • Locating gadgets (like a mouse, a joystick, or a pointer), digitizers, scanners, computerized cameras, PC 
  • screens with designs show capacity, laser printers, 
  • furthermore, plotters are some basic equipment gadgets for preparing designs media 
  • Some attractive highlights of a mixed media PC framework are painting or drawing programming, screen catch programming, 
  • Cut workmanship, designs bringing in, and programming support for high goal 

Animation media (Movement media )

PC movement manages age, sequencing, 
furthermore, show (at a predetermined pace) of a bunch of pictures (called outlines) to make an impact of visual change or movement, like a film (video) 
  • Animation is usually utilized in those examples where videography is preposterous or liveliness can better show the idea than video 
  • Animation manages showing an arrangement of pictures at a sensible speed to make an impression of development. For a sans jerk full movement liveliness, 25 to 30 edges each second is required Scanners, computerized cameras, video catch board interfaced to a camcorder or VCR, PC screens with picture show capacity, and illustrations gas pedal board are some basic equipment gadgets for preparing activity media 
  • Some attractive highlights of a media PC framework with liveliness office are activity creation programming, screen catch programming, liveliness cuts, liveliness document bringing in, programming support for high goal, recording and playback abilities, and change impacts 

Virtual reality 

Virtual reality is a generally new innovation utilizing which the client can put a couple of goggles and a glove also, visit a three-dimensional world that exists just in the PC, yet seems sensible to the client 

Sound media 

PC sound arrangements with combining, recording, and playback of sound or sound with a PC 
  • Sound board, receiver, speaker, MIDI gadgets, sound synthesizer, sound proofreader and sound blender are some ordinarily utilized equipment gadgets for handling sound media 
  •  Some alluring highlights of a sight and sound PC framework are brief snippets, sound document bringing in, programming support for great sound, recording and playback abilities, text-to-discourse transformation programming, discourse to-message transformation programming, and voice acknowledgment programming 

Video media 

PC video manages recording and show of a succession of pictures at a sensible speed to make an impression of development. Every individual picture of such an arrangement is known as an edge:

  • Video camera, video screen, video board, and video manager are a portion of the regularly utilized equipment gadgets for preparing video media 
  • Some attractive highlights of a sight and sound PC framework with video office are video clasps and recording what's more, playback abilities 

Multimedia Applications 

  • Multimedia introduction 
  • Foreign language learning 
  • Video games 
  • Special impacts in films 
  • Multimedia stands as help work areas 
  • Animated commercials 
  • Multimedia conferencing 

 Media Center Computer

  • There is a developing pattern of claiming a PC at home like other electronic hardware 
  • New phrasings like "infotainment" and "edutainment" have developed to allude to PCs as adaptable instruments 
  • Media focus PC gives following functionalities: 
  • Server as PC, TV, radio, and music framework 
  • Serve as computerized photograph collection and advanced library 
  • Server as Game station and DVD/CD Player 
  • Allows play, interruption, and record of TV programs 
  • Provides Electronic Programming Guide (EPG)