Will AI cause you to unemployed?

This issue is that the issue that everybody is most concerned about, and it's also the difficulty that has the best impact on every individual. So take it out separately.

First of all, it's an inevitable trend for AI to exchange "part of human behavior"

Every new technology or new invention will replace a part of the labor force:

  • Time report work-table
  • The work of pulling rickshaws-cars
  • Well digging work-drilling machine
  • ……

It should be noted that technology replaces only certain specific jobs. The digging machine can only assist you dig a hole, but it cannot assist you determine where you ought to dig a hole.

The same is true for AI . it's not aimed toward certain occupations or certain people, but instead replaces some specific labor behaviors.

Secondly, while unemployed, new and better jobs will appear

The history of several technological revolutions tells us that although the emergence of latest technologies has caused some people to lose their jobs, they're going to also create many new occupations. the roles that are replaced are often inefficient, and therefore the jobs created are often more efficient. believe pulling a rickshaw, then believe driving a car.

When AI liberates a neighborhood of the labor pool , this a part of the labor pool can do more valuable and interesting things.

do not be afraid! Good use of AI may be a super skill

There are 2 points mentioned above:

  1. The essence of AI may be a tool, and it needs people to use it
  2. Artificial intelligence isn't replacing people, but certain parts of labor 

Therefore, do not be scared of AI replacing yourself. you ought to take the initiative to find out AI, become the primary one that can use AI, and become an individual who can use AI well .

Think about people that used computers and therefore the Internet 20 years ago. They were very scarce therein era, in order that they earned the dividends of the web era. within the same way, the dividends of the intelligent age will belong to those that can use AI.

Which jobs are going to be replaced by artificial intelligence?

Kaifu Li proposed a basis for judgment:

If employment takes but 5 seconds to form a choice , then there's a high probability that it'll get replaced by AI .

4 job characteristics that are easily replaced by AI 

This kind of labor has 4 characteristics:

  1. Not much information is required to form decisions
  2. The decision-making process isn't complicated and therefore the logic is straightforward 
  3. Can be done alone, no collaboration required
  4. Repetitive work

Skills that are hard to get replaced by AI 

Scientists have summarized 3 skills that AI is difficult to replace:

  • Social intelligence (insight, negotiation skills, empathy...)
  • Creativity (original power, artistic aesthetics...)
  • Perception and operation ability (finger sensitivity, coordinated operation ability, ability to deal with complex environments...)

How to meet the intelligent age?

Artificial intelligence will sweep the planet just like the industrial age. during this case, what we've to try to to isn't to flee , but to embrace this alteration . Here are some specific suggestions for everyone:

To understand the underlying logic and basic principles of the intelligent age, you do not got to learn to write down code, but you would like to understand what may happen and what's impossible.

Artificial intelligence will infiltrate all walks of life like computers within the future. you've got to know AI the maximum amount as possible, find out how to use it to unravel existing problems, and become an early adopter of AI .

Make an honest career plan. Don’t choose three no professions (no need for social interaction, no creativity, no strong perception and operation skills)

To Sum up

The basic principle of artificial intelligence: the machine summarizes the laws from an outsized amount of "specific" data to make some "specific knowledge", then applies this "knowledge" to real scenarios to unravel practical problems.

On the idea of this fundamentals , there are 3 characteristics:

  1. Artificial intelligence is actually a tool
  2. Artificial intelligence skills can only solve specific problems, not everything
  3. Artificial intelligence belongs to inductive logic, which may tell you what it's , but it cannot tell you why

So far, AI has experienced 3 waves:

  1. 1950s to 1960s: non-intelligent dialogue robots
  2. 1980s to 1990s: speech recognition
  3. Early 21st Century: Deep Learning + Big Data

Artificial intelligence is split into 3 levels:

  1. Weak AI 
  2. Strong AI 
  3. Super AI 

On the difficulty of unemployment, AI will indeed replace some human jobs, but at an equivalent time some new and more valuable jobs will appear. There are 3 skills which will not be easily replaced by AI within the future:

  1. Social intelligence (insight, negotiation skills, empathy...)
  2. Creativity (original power, artistic aesthetics...)
  3. Perception and operation ability (finger sensitivity, coordinated operation ability, ability to deal with complex environments...)

``Attached'' 2020 AI Development Trend

Let’s review the important changes in AI in 2019:

  1. Important progress has taken place within the NLP field, and pre-training models like BERT, GPT-2, and XLNET have already played a crucial role within the product.
  2. The infrastructure is further improved: PyTorch is growing in no time , and TensorFlow is deeply integrated with Keras.
  3. GAN developed rapidly, and popular products appeared. DeepFake and ZAO let the general public experience GAN technology.
  4. It is also due to DeepFake that the social impact of AI is being paid attention to, and AI-related laws are being improved everywhere the planet .
  5. Auto-ML lowers the edge of AI and makes the deployment of AI very easy.

What is the event trend in 2020?

  1. The implementation of 5G will digitize more of the physical world and can further promote the event and popularization of AI.
  2. The integration of knowledge science teams and business teams are going to be closer.
  3. It is possible to ascertain the event of the multi-task AI model and move further towards general AI .
  4. Get obviate the dependence on data, use less data to get excellent models.
  5. The NLP field has achieved greater breakthroughs and development.
  6. Improve the interpretability of AI and solve the recorder problem
  7. Social issues have intensified, and discussions on issues like personal data security, privacy, and algorithm bias have increased.